Artwork for Audi

Audi A5 Sportback G-Tron

I was asked by Chimney to create some artwork for a new TV Spot for Audis A5 G-Tron. The spot is all about memes showing differences between expectations and reality. My part would be the only animated sequene in the whole clip but it will only be about 3 seconds long. Normally I love to provide the animation as well, but this time the animation was done by Guilherme Todorov and I’m very happy with the outcome.


you can watch the full clip here on the horizont webpage


Client: Audi
Agency: Chimney, Berlin



Meeting the friendly octopus

Wind too strong, waves too big, what to do?

The wind was blowing strongly from the north, the swell was at about 1.5 meters and the whole western side of Lanzarote was a mess. So we decided to go to the eastern side of the island to find a calmer spot. Playa la Garita was packed with surfers, but the waves were pretty small and breaking close to shore. Punta Mujeres and Jameos del Agua looked nice and surfable, but we had different plans. We went on north and found a beautiful small bay sheltered from the wind and the waves. After some adventures with the kids I  took my snorkeling gear and went into the water. Visibility was great and right from the beginning there was a lot to see. Goldsponges and sea cucumbers, lots of little fish and a what’s that!?
There was an octopus next to a gurnard, and he was out in the open, in plain sight, not hidden at all!

Ever since I was snorkeling encountering octopuses has always been a highlight, but for the last couple of years I was quite unlucky in finding them. And here he was, nearly waving his arms at me. I dove down, and he hid a bit between two rocks. But just as I was at the suface again, he came out, swam around and did some colour tricks. For around fifteen minutes I was able to again and again dive down to him, film him, offer him anew stone (which he always indected right away). Sometimes octopus try to grab the camera or put an arm around your hand or so, but this guy was not the touchy type. Right when I started to get too cold it seems he also had enough and swam some meters away. So I waved good bye and swam back ashore.


Geographic Farming

Do you know the qualities of your city?

Hungry Eye Media from Denver Colorada asked me to provide an illustration for their client RE/MAX, to be published on their newssite. The article deals about geo-farming and how to optimize your real estate business.
So I did some scribbling and came up with three drafts.


Client: RE/MAX
Agency: Hungry Eye Media, Denver Colorado

Iva La Viva

Two years ago I created “Iva” for “La Viva” printed issue and their website.
For most Issues I get assigned to do new artwork with Iva and her friends.

Here’s a collection of the recent ones for the December and January Issues.

Also visit the website to read Iva’s blog.






Client: La Viva
Agency: Gruner & Jahr

Lidl Xmas animation

Santa packing the sleigh…

I was asked to provide animation and sound for Lidl’s Xmas sendout.



Client: Lidl
Agency: Leo Burnett


Samsung Xmas Animation

Washing machines with special hatches, cats riding vacuum cleaners and santa in virtual reality.

For Samsung I provided 6 animated clips for their Xmas-specials.





Client: Samsung
Agency: Leo Burnett

Years end in Chocolateland

Some new seasonal illustration for Chcoofresh.

For nearly eight years now I regularly provide artwork for Ferrero Chocofresh. Here’s a collection of the last half-year.




Client: Ferrero Chocofresh
Agency: La Red Berlin

Guppy Friend

My dear friend Oli Spies of Langbrett Skate and Surfshop asked me to get involved in their new project to do an important part in protecting our oceans.

Of course I was right away very interested, not just because of this important topic, but also to do something more profound than all this “nice and smiling illustrations” for commercial use.

So the background story in short: Microfibers released during the washing process of fleece and other artificial fabrics to a high percentage end up in our oceans. There they pollute and even poison marine life and accumulate again through the food chain coming back to us. Microfibers, even though being very tiny take a big hit at our environment and are already being found all around the globe.

Langbrett started to research and develop a special washing bag, called the  “Guppy Friend washing bag”. This especially designed fabric is able to stop 99% of all fibers during the washing process, so they can be collected and disposed properly before they go into the waste water systems.

To fund this project they started a kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, and to explain this topic they needed an animated explanatory film. Here I came into play.
I wanted the look of the film being underwater, with some caustic effects, and lots of different fabrics, print-ons, patterns and patches, and of course: stitched typo. So I found a nice way to hijack a particle effect for adding stitches to the outlines of the fonts. Lights, caustic effects, a lot of particle emitters and animations really made my computer sweat.

To explain the problem of microfiber pollution on the accompanying pages i also provided some infographics.

Wanna learn more or even support them?

Support them here (

Animated gifs

I was asked to do a bunch of animated gifs for a Samsung Campaign. It’s been easily 10 years since I did animated gifs, and it took me a while to understand my optimal way of production.

Normally in animation filesize isn’t an issue, but with animated gifs on social media platforms that’s different.

It turned out to be the safest way to animate as usual in After FX, but this time in 30 FPS. This gave me some flexibility with framerates, and in the end I was able to do multiple outputs in 30 FPS and 15 FPS, and combine them again in Photoshop. This way I could vary depending on the filesize, and didn’t loose fluidity through the whole animation.

During production I was asked to also provide the animation in full HD, so I was very happy, that I already did the animation in 30 FPS, so exporting to a different format was not problem. Yay!

Timing in this ob was pretty tight, but thanks to the good teamwork with Cheil’s art director Guido Böhm all went well.




Client: Samsung
Agency: Cheil






Animation Showcase


Showreel of selected animation, funny loops and interactive animation.

I finally managed to assemble my animation works and projects in a short showcase.

All animations are done in classic 2D Style, though newer ones also contain some 3D rendering, camera-, and and light effects. Depending on the assignment, animations were done fully rendered for filmprint (cinema projection), broadcast as well as interactive flash-, or html5 based animation.

Bongholio Iglesias provided some tunes for this Showcase.
Thanks, big ape!